Get To Know Benchmark School: Principal Bauermeister

At Benchmark School, our tuition-free charter school is known for our warm and caring elementary learning environment. To get to know more about the people behind our school culture, we recently chatted with Benchmark School Principal Kelly Bauermeister. Here’s what she had to say!

How did you come to Benchmark School?

When I was looking for schools for my daughter, Bailee, I came and toured Benchmark. I instantly fell in love and knew that she had to attend this magical school!

Who was your favorite elementary teacher?

My favorite teacher was Mr. Hawkins. He was my 3rd grade teacher and taught me to love reading and writing.

Did you ever get sent to the Principal’s office?

Yep! I was a talker in school, so I had to visit the principal to find strategies to talk at appropriate times.

What advice would you give a new student at Benchmark?

Benchmark is a community. A family away from family. We are kind to each other and respect each other's unique qualities.

What are your hobbies and interests?

I love yoga, reading and travel. My favorite place to visit is the Cayman Islands.

What do you love about Benchmark School?

Personally, Benchmark gave both of my daughters an amazing academic experience. They both left Benchmark two years ahead in math and were immersed in Honors classes. Bailee just graduated from Pepperdine Law school and Brooke is a senior at ASU. Both agree that Benchmark gave them the foundation to be a successful student. As the principal I love the staff, families and students that support each other to make Benchmark a thriving community.

Are you interested in learning more about how Benchmark can lay a foundation of learning success for your child? Contact us and enroll today for Preschool and Grades K-6.


About Benchmark School

Benchmark School is a Preschool and Elementary School serving students in the Phoenix, AZ area. Benchmark offers tuition-free half-day K and 1st-6th grades, and tuition-based options for PreK and full-day K. Our foundational approach to academics inspires knowledge and develops character. Students are supported by a tight-knit community of caring teachers and staff and engaged families. Join Benchmark School today! Enrolling now.